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Support for Placemakers

Support for Placemakers

The Retail Champion can help place makers transform their town and city centres into thriving communities that encourage locals to feel a sense of identity and belonging.

Delivering Business Support on behalf of Public Bodies

Business support for public bodies, Business Improvement Districts and trade associations benefits the wider community by building the resilience and sustainability of local independent businesses. Our experienced team of business consultants can advise on all areas of business strategy as well as deliver training packages on all aspects of running a business.

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Place audits and stakeholder engagement

Place audits and stakeholder engagement are key practices in urban planning, community development and place-making processes. They involve assessing and understanding the current state of a location, its assets, challenges and aspirations, whilst engaging with stakeholders to ensure their valuable input and ensuring they have a prominent role in the decision making process.

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Town Centre Recovery Planning

Town Centre Recovery Planning refers to the strategic and collaborative efforts used to revitalise and rejuvenate town centres that have experienced economic decline because of a reduction in investment. It is an ongoing process that requires long-term commitment, adaptability and continuous progress monitoring.

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Place Marketing and Event Management

Place Marketing and Event Management are two related concepts that play a crucial role in promoting and enhancing the attractiveness of a specific area. They intersect because events can serve as a powerful marketing tool, promoting a place and enhancing its overall image. Together they contribute to the economic development, tourism growth, community engagement and overall vitality of a location, by fostering a positive reputation and creating memorable experiences.

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