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Selling to Retail Tips

How to Sell to Retailers 52 FREE weekly tips

The 'How to Sell to Retailers' programme includes 52 FREE weekly tips, based on the 12-part plan for successfully selling to retailers, delivered straight to your inbox. It's ideal for any small business - established, start-up or pre-start-up - who wants to sell their products or services to retail chains.

The 12-part-plan is grouped into 4 sections and include:

Section 1 - Look Big...
  1. Identity - Your business' unique personality and brand
  2. Presence - How and where your business is found in the online and real world
  3. People - Who are the fabric of your business
Section 2 - Plan Big...
  1. Competition - Understanding and analysing your competition
  2. Customer - Knowing your ideal and target customers
  3. Scalability - Demonstrating your ability to meet big retailer demands
Section 3 - Pitch Big...
  1. Preparation - Researching the intricacies of your ideal customer
  2. Selling - Outlining the steps in your ideal sales process, from first contact to agreeing a deal
  3. Negotiation - Reaching a mutually beneficial set of terms enabling you to supply, and a retailer to buy
Section 4 - Get Big & Stay Big!
  1. Expansion - Determining the strategy to delivering growth
  2. Replication - Defining the processes and systems that underpin your growth
  3. Paranoia! - Retaining a healthy dose of paranoia, not resting on your laurels, keeping the entrepreneurial spirit alive

From the moment you sign up, you'll receive a selling tip every week for a whole year! Each week builds on the last, and gives you encouragement to try out the advice offered. Over the course of the year you will complete each aspect of the unique 'Selling to retailers 12-point plan' and will have had the opportunity to make practical improvements to your business that will boost your success rate on contacting retailers, and, your profitability when trading with them.

To receive your weekly retail tips by email, please complete the enquiry form.

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