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Media Training and Presentation Skills

Media training and presentation skills

Some people are natural public speakers; they are confident, they talk in a way that is interesting and they encourage the audience to want to listen. For the rest of us, Media and Presentation Skill Training is needed to help us. 

Media training will help to prepare you for how to engage with the media, by giving you the skills, knowledge and techniques needed to speak confidently but strategically, so as to communicate your company messages effectively for:

  • Interviews

  • Press Conferences

  • Public Appearances


Our team can help prepare you, using some of the following:


Interview Techniques

Media training is important to teach you how to handle media interviews in a manner that is professional. Learning interview techniques can help you to stay on message, understand how to redirect questions, and provide concise answers, without the waffle. 

It can also prepare you to handle a variety of question types, including ones that are difficult or sensitive.


Body Language

Body language plays a bigger role in communication than many people realise. In fact, some studies suggest that 60-80% of communication is non-verbal, including body language.


Our team can work with you on many aspects of body language to help you to project a sense of confidence (even if you are faking it) and authenticity, including:

  • Eye Contact

  • Gestures

  • Posture

  • Facial Expressions


Difficult Situations

We can prepare you to confidently handle difficult situations, including dealing with criticism or controversial topics. Our guide will help you to stay calm and composed, even when interviewers become aggressive or hostile. As well as teaching you useful strategies for de-escalating situations that have become tense.


Media Understanding

Fully understanding how the media operates can make it easier for your business to know how to effectively navigate interactions and make decisions about which media sources to engage with. 

Our team can educate you on who does what within the media and what expectations journalists might have when speaking to your company. We can also help you to understand the importance of building relationships with journalists. 

Crisis Communication

Our training includes equipping you with the skills and knowledge your team will need to communicate in all situations. It can help you to manage negative press, address public controversies diplomatically, and respond appropriately in emergency situations. 

Crisis Communication helps you to project empathy and share accurate information in a way that protects your company’s long-term reputation.


Mock Interviews and Feedback

Practice makes perfect, and we can help you to prepare with mock media interviews and scenarios that will challenge you, and allow you to fully test the skills you have learned in your Media Training. 

Our team will provide constructive feedback to help you identify where you could improve your communication techniques.


Need help with your Media and Presentation skills? Get in touch with our team of communication experts for a chat.


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Success Stories

Sight Care Group, Paul Surridge, Chief Executive

Our national PR campaign involved a national radio campaign aimed at consumers to encourage them to shop locally. Clare was an obvious choice to dovetail with our chief executive to deliver some home truths about the state of UK retail and, importantly, community businesses in the round. Clare articulates her passions with gusto, armed with all the relevant facts and figures but in a way that demonstrates her total commitment as The Retail Champion. There is no doubt her contribution added value to our campaign activity.

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